Monday, September 13, 2010

Pirate Garb Cake & Redo Cake

A Pirate Garb Themed Cake. This cake was a stressful one for me. But in the end it turned out fine. The first cake I made, which is the four bottom pictures did not make it to it's destination in one piece, therefore, I salvaged what I could from the first cake and made a whole other one, just a little bit different. I moved the eye patch, telescope, sword and pirate flag to the second cake but did not cake a picture of the finished product. First cake was a marble cake with chocolate mousse filling and melt in your mouth chocolate frosting, marshmallow fondant accents. 2nd and Final Cake is a vanilla cake with chocolate ganache filling and fluffy buttercream frosting, minimal marshmallow fondant accents. I hear the birthday boy loved his cake and that it was delicious. I guess that's all that matters in the end ;-)

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